Everything begins and ends with our breath

I’m a conscious breathwork guide, a functional breathing coach and a Wim Hof Instructor based in Bristol. I host regular classes and WHM Workshops as well as running a variety of exciting Retreats and Colabs.

My new book is OUT NOW:
Why Breathe: A fun and scientific journey to healthier everyday breathing. Unlock more energy, reduce stress and live a fuller life.’

Workshops and Classes

  • Wim Hof Fundamentals Workshop

    Learn and experience the Three Pillars of the WHM: Breath, Mindset, Ice-Bath. £95pp

  • Monday Night Breathwork

    Regular one hour guided Breathwork sessions in Central Bristol £11pp

  • Wim Hof Advanced Workshop

    A deeper and more subtle exploration of the WHM for those who have been practicing for a while. Prerequisite of Fundamentals. £135pp

  • Special Breathwork Events

    Unique offerings at local studios

    Private parties and Day Retreats

  • Winter Expeditions and Retreats

    Wim Hof Travels and Expeditions.

    Norway Hallingskarvet National Park

    Wildernes Adventures

    Nov 15th - 19th 2024

    Nov 20th - 24th 2024

    May 29th - June 2nd 2025

    June 5th - 9th 2025

  • Public Speaking

    From the Corporate to Festival Stage, and work-based training to team-building workshops

    Contact for more info

For decades I followed the work-hard, play-hard mantra and naturally my physical and mental health suffered accordingly. Taking a BIG step back I realised my happiest times were when free-diving. But why?

It was all about the breath and the effect this and the cold water immersion had on my body and mind. After researching all I could about their physiological and psychological effects on our wellbeing, the results blew me away and turned my life around.

Cold water and ice baths did wonders for my nervous and immune systems, and helped by regain strength and a grounded contentment, full of confidence and possibility. So I decided to help others do the same, and have since become a fully qualified Wim Hof & Oxygen Advantage Instructor. 

I am able to help you reach your potential. Whether your goals are those of greater focus, better sleep and a more balanced life, or if you’re a professional athlete chasing that extra 1%, I can help! Everyone is different and our approach is tailored accordingly.

But HOW does controlling our Breath and response to extreme cold benefit our health?…


Breathwork and Cold Exposure

What are the benefits of Conscious Breathwork?

The benefits of cold exposure have long been lauded and like with conscious breathwork, have recently been reinforced with scientific investigation.

The benefits of conscious breathwork have been known for thousands of years, yet it is only really in the past couple of decades that medical science has reinforced what was already understood. These scientific proofs have been critical to breathwork’s growth in respectability and popularity.

At a basic level, respiration is essential for survival, we require the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide to break-down glucose in our cells and give us the energy to live. Without his we would soon slow, stop and the pass-away. 

However, despite millennia of yogis and decades of scientific literature, many of us still aren’t getting the full potential from the air we breathe. 

Training our respiratory systems to help us breathe better and more efficiently in turn helps train the cardio-vascular system, unlocking a healthier, happier and stronger life.

We can also control our autonomic nervous system. This is the rest and digest and fight and flight responses. We can control our body through our breathing to either stimulate or suppress each of these responses, giving us exactly what we need.

The modern world requires of us a huge number of small decisions. The stress of these choices – especially in the context of an underlying anxiety like money or relationship worries – can leave us drained; unchecked it can develop into chronic health issues. It is a contributing cause of the rising levels of anxiety, panic attacks, chronic stress and depression.

With correct training can use these tools to maximise our lives and live a balanced and supercharged existence.

What are the benefits of Cold Exposure?

As anyone who has taken a cold shower or jumped into a cold sea or river will know – it really snaps you right to the moment of NOW! This is a primal trigger to the body which, suddenly placed in a ‘dangerous’ environment, triggers a set of very beneficial responses: increased focus, mental clarity, energy, as well as a nice adrenalin kick. It lifts our mood for many hours afterwards.

In our workshops we delve deeper into the physiological and psychological aspects of cold exposure and explore the wider benefits in more detail. They also include the biggest challenge of all – a full ice-bath. You will re-define what you thought was possible and snap yourself into a wonderfully energised sense of well-being.

It takes a lot to start a regular cold-water routine, here’s some handy tips and advice on how to continue you own self-practice:

  • Go slow - start with just turning your shower to cold for 15 seconds at the end

  • Gradual - then each week extend the time a bit more

  • The only person you're competing with is you, yesterday.

  • Let go - breathe slowly, deeply and with a grin on your face

  • Practice - bring it into your daily routine, not just once a week


  • Ice bathing or submersion demands respect – extreme cold exposure should only be done in a safe and observed location and only after you are fully able to handle normal cold water exposure. It is recommended to be guided by a trained professional for your first time.

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Get in touch. All questions and enquiries welcome.